#17:  Support Through Suffering: How a Rabbi/Psychologist Provided Mental Health to Police Officers

Dr. Shiphra Bakhchi is a licensed clinical psychologist. She is also the director of My Therapy Matters, a group private practice in New York City and Great Neck Long Island. Dr. Bakhchi has degrees from Columbia University, New York University, and Yeshive University. In addition to being a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Bakhchi is also an ordained rabbi. She speaks on the podcast today mostly on her work with an organization called POPPA (Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance) where she worked with New York City Police Officers.


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Therapist psychologist counselor depression anxiety cognitive behavioral therapy CBT individual group couples counseling dr doctor bakhchi therapy matters time magazine

I really hope at some point she’ll be a functioning young lady that had a terrible trauma. I want it so badly for her.

- Shiphra Bakhchi, psychologist